3×3 Street Hustle Tournament

Basketball SA ran the first 3×3 Street Hustle event in partnership with 3x3Hustle. We had Under 12 & Under 14’s teams join for an Under 14 division and we have Under 16 & Under 18 teams join for an Under 18 division.

It was great to see the mix of kids from different clubs and age groups. All teams played each other once, before coming into a 1 v 2 Grand Final for each division.

Under 14 Grand Final
Tune Squad v KSL
The Tune Squad were too strong and come out on top! There was lots of cheering from the sidelines, parents, teammates and even the other teams! It was great to see the comradery.

Under 18 Grand Final
Hoops there it is v Back Court Violators
This grand final was very close, after 10 mins the scores were even. We headed into overtime and Hoops there it is were able to score that winning goal! Well done to both teams, it was great to see how competitive this was and the skill level was great.

Thank you to all the teams who came out on Saturday. It was a fun relaxed day where the kids could just play 3×3 Basketball.

Basketball SA will be back in 2022, with more 3x3Hustle events. Keep an eye out on our social media and make sure to register your teams!

To view all 3x3Hustle Event, please click here.

Community 3×3 are hosting a 3x3Hustle event on December 15 at The Lights Community & Sports Centre. For more details, please click here.