Basketball SA would like to remind Clubs about some Rules of Operation for District League. These are existing rules and you may have noticed SSO’s and Officials being more consistent in applying these rules. See below relevant sections;

Section 11.5. Jewellery

a) Exposed jewellery is prohibited during all District League games. The following are examples of jewellery items that are prohibited:
i) Rings; and
ii) Earrings/studs; and
iii) Nose rings/studs; and
iv) Lip rings/studs; and
v) Necklaces; and
vi) Bracelets; and
vii) Anklets; and
viii) Watches.

Section 11.4. Hair and Hair Accessories

a) A player’s hair, when standing in a normal position, cannot cover the player’s number on the back of their uniform. Hair that would normally cover the number must be tied, so as not to cover the number.

b) If a player’s hair accessories are made from a non-abrasive, pliable material, they are permitted to be worn, as they pose no threat of injury. However, there must not be any loose material that other player’s could potentially get their fingers caught in.

i) This includes headscarves or other fabric articles worn for religious purposes held in place by bobby pins or snap clips.

The correct uniform is outlined in Section 10.2. Correct Uniform: Players of the Rules of Operations.

Clubs and teams need to show all uniform exceptions to SSO’s prior to the game.

Substitution chairs are a requirement of FIBA – 2020 Official Basketball Rules, please see below section.

Section 19.3. Procedure

19.3.5. Only a substitute has the right to request a substitution. He (not the head coach or the first assistant coach) shall go to the scorer’s table and ask clearly for a substitution, making the proper conventional sign with his hands, or sit on the substitution chair. He must be ready to play immediately.

Read the Rules of Operation SA District League 2022 here

The West Adelaide Basketball Club has been granted a 2021-22 State Government Infrastructure project grant to increase basketball training facilities and build a 3×3 show court.

The State Government announced the recent round of Community Recreation and Sports Facilities Program Infrastructure funding awarding the West Adelaide Basketball Club $89,400. The grant will be used to covert three squash to create a 3×3 basketball court and training facilities at the Port Adelaide Recreation Centre.

The new training space will have fully sprung floors and five backboards and will also be able to be used as a full-sized 3×3 court, complete with game clock and score bench. 

The project will almost double the number of hoops within the stadium (from 6 to 11) allowing the club to conduct more training in-house instead of at external venues, and also increase and improve their program offerings including:

“The Club would like to thank Corey Wingard and the State Government for their support, which will cover half the cost of the conversion and help take it from dream to reality. 

“We now look forward to engaging with local business partners to deliver the project, which we hope to have completed by the end of 2022,” said West Adelaide Basketball Club President, Geoff Dodd.

“We’re thrilled that the State Government continues to support the development of grassroots basketball in SA. The West Adelaide grant is a huge opportunity to develop the club’s offerings and grow our sport in the west.

“With the support of the State Government, coupled with continued growth in community facilities ensures that basketball continues to be strong in SA,” said Basketball SA CEO, Phil Sinnott.

Other recent State Government funding:

The annual Adelaide Invitational Challenge basketball tournament runs from January 8-11. Find out how you can watch the action with our exclusive live stream.

Daniel Renfrey and Patrick Keam
2 min read January 6, 2022 – 2:18PM

Live Stream

Olivia Bradley thinks 2022 could be her biggest year yet and has the perfect springboard to kick things off.

The Eastern Mavericks basketballer will represent SA Country at the 2022 Adelaide Invitational Challenge tournament, which is set to tip-off on Saturday, January 8 and will be broadcast live by The Advertiser.

Bradley, who was selected in the Adelaide Lightning Academy last month, said a strong performance at the event could help her on the path to a dream of playing US college basketball.

Olivia Bradley (Country), Maddy Hinton (Metro), Jackson Bowden (Country) and Alex Dodson (Metro) ahead of the Adelaide Invitational Challenge basketball event to be live streamed by the Advertiser, starting January 8. Picture: Keryn Stevens

Olivia Bradley (Country), Maddy Hinton (Metro), Jackson Bowden (Country) and Alex Dodson (Metro) ahead of the Adelaide Invitational Challenge basketball event to be live streamed by the Advertiser, starting January 8. Picture: Keryn Stevens

“This tournament is really important for development and also for selection for nationals in April,” Bradley, 16, said.

“I want to go to college and hopefully I can make nationals and be looked at by recruiters.

“The Adelaide Invitational Challenge is definitely the first stepping stone.”

The tournament will be split between two age groups – under-16 to 18 and under-14 to 15.

January 8-11 will see the under-16 to 18 section take to the court at the Lights Community and Sports Centre and St Clair Recreation Centre.

The Advertiser will be live streaming games from multiple courts throughout the four days, with multiple SA Metro, Country, and Tasmanian teams featuring.

Queensland was also set to send sides to the event but have been forced to withdraw due to Covid concerns.

Bradley said it was great to be able to start the year by facing off against the Metro and interstate teams.

Teams from SA Country and Metro as well as Tasmania will compete at the live streamed Adelaide Invitational Challenge. Picture: Keryn Stevens

Teams from SA Country and Metro as well as Tasmania will compete at the live streamed Adelaide Invitational Challenge. Picture: Keryn Stevens

“It’s my second time at the AIC and I’m excited to play against Tasmania because they weren’t at the tournament last year,” she said.

“It’s good they’ve been able to create an event like this for us to play at.”

Games will begin at 2.30pm on January 8 and will then begin from 9.30am on the three following days.

The fixture for the Advertiser’s live stream of the under-16 to 18 section is as follows.

Saturday, January 8

Under-16 girls

2.30pm – SA Metro Red vs SA Country Magpies

4.00pm – Tasmania Tigers vs SA Metro Blue

5.30pm – SA Country Sharks vs Tasmania Devils

Sunday, January 9

Under-16 boys

9.30am – SA Metro Red vs Tasmania Tigers

11.00am – SA Country Magpies vs Tasmania Devils

12.30pm – SA Metro Blue vs SA Country Sharks

5.00pm – Tasmania Tigers vs SA Country Sharks

Under-18 boys

2.00pm – SA Country Sharks v SA Metro Blue

3.30pm – Tasmania Tigers vs SA Metro Red

6.30pm – SA Country Magpies vs SA Country Sharks

Monday, January 10

Under-16 girls

9.00am – SA Metro Red vs SA Metro Blue

10.30am – SA Country Magpies vs SA Country Sharks

12.00pm – Tasmania Tigers vs Tasmania Devils

Under-16 boys

3.00pm – SA Metro Red vs SA Country Sharks

4.30pm – SA Country Magpies vs Tasmania Tigers

6.00pm – SA Metro Blue vs Tasmania Devils

Under-18 girls

1.30pm – SA Country Magpies vs SA Metro Blue

7.30pm – SA Country Sharks vs SA Metro Red

Tuesday, January 11

Under-18 girls

9.00am – SA Metro Blue vs Tasmania Tigers

Under-16 girls final

10.30am – 1st vs 2nd

Under-16 boys final

12.00pm – 1st vs 2nd

Basketball SA ran the first 3×3 Street Hustle event in partnership with 3x3Hustle. We had Under 12 & Under 14’s teams join for an Under 14 division and we have Under 16 & Under 18 teams join for an Under 18 division.

It was great to see the mix of kids from different clubs and age groups. All teams played each other once, before coming into a 1 v 2 Grand Final for each division.

Under 14 Grand Final
Tune Squad v KSL
The Tune Squad were too strong and come out on top! There was lots of cheering from the sidelines, parents, teammates and even the other teams! It was great to see the comradery.

Under 18 Grand Final
Hoops there it is v Back Court Violators
This grand final was very close, after 10 mins the scores were even. We headed into overtime and Hoops there it is were able to score that winning goal! Well done to both teams, it was great to see how competitive this was and the skill level was great.

Thank you to all the teams who came out on Saturday. It was a fun relaxed day where the kids could just play 3×3 Basketball.

Basketball SA will be back in 2022, with more 3x3Hustle events. Keep an eye out on our social media and make sure to register your teams!

To view all 3x3Hustle Event, please click here.

Community 3×3 are hosting a 3x3Hustle event on December 15 at The Lights Community & Sports Centre. For more details, please click here.

Down at Wayville on Thursday Night, the top two teams for Inclusive Basketball Program J Grade competed for the Gold Medal.

Dolphins 61 defeated Bulldogs 56

Congratulations to the Dolphins! It has been a great finals for them as they won both games! Well done to all teams for a great season, it is great to see the smiles every week.

It is great to see all the players enjoying themselves while playing, and their improvement after each game is outstanding. Well done to all the participants who come out each week and step onto the court.

A big thankyou to all the helpers and volunteers for coming out each week to help facilitate each game. This effort does not go unnoticed.

Bring on 2022!

Basketball SA inducted two new referees into the Basketball SA Officials Platinum League.  

The Platinum League is recognising outstanding dedication, contribution, development and promotion as an official, an educator and ambassador in the sport of basketball throughout South Australia. 

Congratulations to Phil Haines on being inducted into the Basketball SA Officials Platinum League. 

Phil Haines

Bill is another inductee into the Basketball SA Officials Platinum League. A huge congratulations to Bill. 

Bill Reimann 

Another basketball year has finished!

There was three really great Grand Final games to finish off the season. Congratulations to everyone involved, but thank you to Andy Richards for presenting the premier medals. Great to see and have Andy back in the stadium.

ABA Orange 21 defeated Stars 18
Mavericks 24 defeated Sabres 16
Flames 47 defeated Bearcats 37

Congratulations to Matthew Turnbull on winning the “Spirit of Basketball” award, in memory of Matthew Roodhouse.

Basketball SA and Inclusive Basketball Program would like to thank lots of volunteers for their work that they have done throughout the year.

To the coaches, you have all done a great job the program doesn’t function with you.

Big shoutout to Juanita and Cassie for organising the referees and court supervision each week.

All the volunteers on the score bench, do not go unnoticed the game doesn’t start without you.

Our referee’s many of them in green shirts and still learning their trade, without them we simply do not play.

There is always room for improvement, so I’m hoping 2022 will be an even better year. The planning starts again, with the coaches coming together next week to look at the teams for next season.

Finally a big shout out to out 2021 SA Sports “Team of the Year” our very own SA Ivor Burge Men’s team. The 3 time National champions and working hard on the 4th. These guys have all played Monday inclusive basketball, a great pathway to state and the National team.

Congratulations to all players, coaches and volunteers. Well done on the 2021 season.

Bring on 2022!

Bill Musserad and Ted Coomans were given Posthumous Awards of Merit at the 2021 Referee Awards Dinner on Sunday, 28 November. Basketball SA would like to share their stories and outline their passion and enthusiasm towards the South Australian Referee Community. 


Bill was born in Gippsland, Victoria in 1944.

Bill played basketball as a junior and completed his umpiring courses in Victoria.  He continued to play and umpire when he joined the Royal Australian Air Force and was posted to New Caste, NSW  in 1965.  He was Captain and Coach for the Air force.  During his three years in NSW also while coaching the Under 20 Wallsend Baptist Church team, which he always said was his small way to help keep the kids off the street.

In 1969, he was discharged from the Air Force and moved his family back to Adelaide to be close to his wife’s family and started playing socially until he broke his toe and decided that he was getting a bit too slow to be out running the ball.

In 1978 after spending so much time around basketball his daughters wanted to play basketball themselves so he coached them in the school basketball competition and were unbeaten in those three years; during that time Bill was approached to umpire at Morphett Vale Basketball Stadium and he accepted;  not knowing how much of a wonderful decision that was but the one thing he did know was that he wanted more training and support for the young up and coming umpires.

For anyone that had the opportunity to meet Bill but maybe don’t remember the name or face; I’m sure this will remind you.. he was the guy walking the courts protecting the umpires and players with a big smile on his face and a bottle of diet coke in hand.

Bill decided to put his umpiring skills and experience to work and to also take more courses including an Umpiring Coaches Course that showed him exactly what he wanted to do.. that was to train umpires to ensure the basketball SA had enough umpires to cover games and that the umpires were always protected.  Bill also started running courses for Umpires to progress through the different Levels to further their umpiring careers.  

It was at this stage that Bill personally went around to all the Primary Schools to put out flyers to get more kids interested in Basketball either to play or learn umpiring.  For more than 6 years he went to many schools being both High Schools and Primary School doing a term of training. Through these lessons he taught the kids the basics of umpiring and had them throwing the ball in the hoop trying to get them excited about basketball. Through this Bill found a lot of great kids that came along and started umpiring and playing. He was also doing classes every year for the children at the Seaford Rise Primary School special class and the gift he got from them he said there were no words.  He said that seeing a child in a wheelchair who has been told she couldn’t play basketball her whole life to see her face when she threw the ball into the net there were no words that were strong enough to explain it to anyone who wasn’t there.

For many years Bill also Umpired at the Flinders University once a week with his long-time friend Malcom Evans.  

Bill also set up the Basketball Competition for the Seaford Recreation Centre for almost 8 years which gave children in the area somewhere to play with friends at a price that made it possible for parents to afford and for kids to come out and have fun.

Bill also arranged and kept the umpires coming out to the SAPSASA school competitions which were held at Morphett Vale Basketball Stadium every year, all of the umpires he had from kirsty-anne, Alex Bull, Alex Newbury, Adam Alderman and many others including his grandson Jason Ebrey; this was a highlight of the year for them.

For many years Bill helped the Church Competitions which were held at Willunga and other Country areas  These competitions were not always in the southern area many were at Hillcrest and Wayville and other areas around the state but those road trips were so much fun for both Bill and the umpires who came along.

He was also involved in the District Basketball Club called South Coast Cobras for many years and was to become president of this club.  Which again gave him the chance to put all of his energy into young and senior players and parents. The main aim that he had for the members was that they could get to play a game that they loved that was affordable and safe.  Many District Basketball Clubs at the time were out of many people’s affordability in the Southern Areas so this was for everyone and anyone who wanted to play.

He was so proud when he heard his umpires and the players he coached saying that they had got to ABA and playing at the old powerhouse.  He always followed their lives and careers and many of “his kids” are still playing and umpiring now.  He always encouraged his umpires no matter what grade or stage they were in life to improve themselves and offered encouragement and gave his experience, support, compassion, understanding to all of them. He loved watching them grow and become wonderful Adults. Bill would spend the last few years before his health forced him out, assessing umpires and offering any type of assistance to help them in developing their career.

His heart was overjoyed when he would get calls even up until his last few months from “his kids’ ‘ keeping him up to date with their lives about marriages, babies or even just a general chat.

He put all his heart and soul into his Basketball and the people, he would be there for anyone who had a problem day or night it didn’t matter.  They were. his kids. Bill wasn’t just a coach or an umpire, he was a support network for so many players and umpires alike.

He always said that the most important thing about Basketball and Umpiring was that everyone has to HAVE FUN.


Ted began umpiring basketball in the early 1980’s when his young son’s began playing juniors with West Adelaide. Ironically, the whole family became involved with refereeing after his wife Yvonne made comment to John Olivia, the manager at Forestville stadium at the time, about the standard of officiating on an U/10 game, he suggested that if she thought she could do a better job she was welcome to give it a go.

That began two decades of junior district and social involvement at numerous venues and levels. Ted was involved in Church basketball and also briefly with wheelchair basketball.

Ted stepped away from basketball as his career developed but he was prompted to return to the game when his son Nick himself began to referee again after more than 20 years. Ted became a much loved regular of the Wednesday night crew at Port Adelaide in 2016 and refereed his last games there in November 2020 when he was diagnosed with the cancer that eventually took his life on June 30 this year.

He would look forward to his games with school boy excitement on a Wednesday night and as players for the 6:10 game would arrive they would see him stretching and jogging up and down the court to warm up, he really loved it. Whilst he wasn’t the most technical of referees, he was great with people and it was clear to all he wasn’t giving it everything every time. He was big on fair play and his intent was always to let the best possible game of basketball emerge from the way he officiated it.

He will be remembered by all whose lives were touched by him.

3x3Hustle is delighted to announce that Basketball SA has signed on as its newest licensee. 

As South Australia’s premier basketball organisation, Basketball SA prides itself on acting with integrity and in the best interest of the sport, supporting diversity and inclusion, celebrating achievement and challenging the status quo. 

South Australia is also home to NBL team, Adelaide 36ers, WNBL team, Adelaide Lightning and the highly successful NBL1 Central competition. 

Now, the organisation is diving into the world of 3×3 basketball after having significant interest in its recent free ‘3×3 Come N Try’ event at Wayville Sports Centre. 

Basketball SA joins Community 3×3 as 3x3Hustle’s South Australian licensees. 

3x3Hustle Manager Jaele Patrick was excited to see 3×3 basketball continue to grow with this partnership. 

“We’re thrilled to welcome Basketball SA to the 3x3Hustle family,” she said.

“South Australia has such a rich history of basketball success and this partnership only provides more opportunities for that to continue into the future.

“We have already had a glimpse into the future of 3×3 hoops in South Australia with Community 3×3 running three successful 3×3 Street Hustle events, so we can’t wait to see Basketball SA complete the 3×3 pathway in SA with Pro and Big Hustle events in the near future.” 

Phil Sinnott, Basketball SA Chief Executive Officer, said: “Basketball SA is delighted to partner with 3x3Hustle, this partnership gives 3×3 Basketball the opportunity to grow within our state. 

“We are looking forward to seeing the future of 3×3.” 

Basketball SA will be hosting their first 3×3 Street Hustle next Saturday 27th November at Wayville Sports Centre. Register here!

Sunday, 14 November the Ivor Burge Men’s team won the InDaily Team of the Year at the Sport SA Awards!

The Ivor Burge South Australian Men Red State Team is made up of athletes with an Intellectual Disability. The team is the high-performance aspect of the Basketball SA Metro Social Basketball League Inclusive Program. The Ivor Burge National Championships are held annually by Basketball Australia. The National Championships were held in May 2021 with the South Australian Men’s State Team defeating Victoria in the final.

Ivor Burge SA Men Red is the most successful of any of the state basketball teams in recent years, winning the last 3 National Championships. A feat unmatched at any level of state competition. The team epitomises the values of Basketball SA through their excitement, hard work, dedication, supportive culture, and fair play. 

The team inspires new players to get involved and shows that there is a successful and achievable pathway for players with an intellectual disability.

We are excited to see the Men’s team again in 2022.

Congratulations again, a great achievement!