Basketball South Australia’s High-Performance Program sets the standard in elite player development

Basketball South Australia’s High-Performance Program (HPP) is a three-tier system designed to identify and develop the skills and basketball IQ of young players who aspire to compete at State, National and International levels of basketball

Emerging Athlete Development Program​

The Emerging Athlete Development Program (EADP) is a squad-based program, designed to develop prospective State level athletes for future selection in the State Performance Program.​

2023 Squad Lists

About High Performance

The High-Performance Program is centred around the needs of the athlete, driven by coaches and supported by administrative, managerial and medical staff.

Under the program, athletes have access to some of the most experienced coaches and support people in Australia, as well as facilities and resources provided by Basketball South Australia, through the South Australian State Government, University of South Australia, South Australia Country Basketball and Basketball Australia.

Basketball South Australia’s player pathway is designed to provide an integrated and streamlined pathway to representative and professional basketball under national and international frameworks.

Coach development runs parallel to the player development, ensuring that coaches can develop and progress through a similar pathway to athletes. It also ensures that there are enough quality coaches to staff the program, and at the top end, the best athletes are being coached by the best coaches.

The High-Performance Program is underpinned by community basketball programs designed to support stakeholders, allowing them to provide quality service to their many athletes and coaches, in turn driving more players and coaches into the High-Performance pathway.

Basketball South Australia News

House of Basketball

314 South Road, Richmond SA 5033
(Cnr Frederick St)
Enter via South Road

Phone: (08) 7088 0070

Postal Address: 314 South Road, Richmond SA 5033